Find Out What Price Your Neighbours Really Sold For.

If you are planning on buying or selling anywhere in the near future, you really need to know the SOLD prices for homes in your neighbourhood. Nearly 50% of homes listed for sale do not sell in a typical market. 68% of Homeowners overvalue the Fair Market Value of their property by approximately 10%.  Study conducted by Homegain of appraisals vs homeowner's estimated value. The best way to monitor the actual value of your home is to monitor the true price of what comparable homes in your area are actually selling for. 

Fill out the form below to get set up for monthly or quarterly updates.

Trends and Details

Get a high level view of what is happening with sales and pricing in your area. Dig deeper with detailed address, and SOLD price information.

Is Your Home's Value, Increasing or Decreasing!

Homeowner tend to take for granted that the resale value of their property is consistently increasing. However, the truth behind the real estate market is that (in general) it trends upwards. This is different than consistently increasing. Every real estate market has highs and lows and is both cyclical and micro market in nature. Note indicators to get an idea if you currently higher or lower based on actual SOLD data.

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Month to Month, Comparisons!

Are more homes or less homes selling this month vs last month, or a year ago? How about being listed for sale? Value is a by product of supply and demand. If more homes are coming up for sale and less are selling, than pricing will trend downward. If the opposite is true, than prices rise. 

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Honey, how much did the Jones's sell for?

That's right, you can now spy on your neighbours. So, John Jones told you that they sold for what they wanted, and it was listed for $649,000. You now know that $609,000 was accordingly what they actually wanted then. Be in the know, not in the what they tell you. 

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